This book was so good, it was heartbreaking at times and brought tears to me eyes several times but it was such a beautiful story. Lennon and Phoenix were so wonderful together. Lennon and Phoenix first come together a few weeks before graduating from high school when Lennon agrees to help tutor Phoenix. They start up a friendship that turns into more but eventually Phoenix messes up and ends up pushing Lennon away. Fast forward four years and Phoenix is a huge rockstar and Lennon is brought in to help keep Phoenix under control during his tour. I enjoyed reading Phoenix and Lennon's love story, even when it broke my heart. I also really loved all the side characters and look forward to reading their stories. I would give this book 5 stars.
Favorite Excerpt:
Lennon scowls from her new bunk. “Stop staring at me.”
Apparently the one beneath mine was too close for comfort after last night’s conversation, so she asked Storm to switch when we loaded onto the bus.
What she didn’t realize at the time was that his bunk is directly across from mine. Which gives me a prime view of her.
She’s currently sitting with her legs tucked underneath her while listening to music on her phone…trying her best to ignore me.
“Can we switch back?” Lennon asks when Storm passes us on his way to the bathroom.
The look I give him makes it clear I oppose it. “No backsies,” he mumbles before disappearing.
However, my victory is short-lived because George the wannabe climbs out of his bottom bunk. “I’ll switch with you.”
Asswipe. “Can’t,” I inform him. “Only original members of the band can authorize bunk arrangements.”
It’s a bullshit rule I just made up on the fly. One Lennon calls me out on. “Oh, please. Since when?”
“Since always.” I knock on the bunk above mine. “Tell her, Memphis.”
“It’s true,” he says in a sleepy voice.
“You’re being juvenile,” Lennon mutters before regarding George. “Want to go watch a movie?”
Not happening. Not without me anyway.